Maritè Salatiello
Coaching People, Groups and Brands
to express the fullest of their potential
Somatic and Trauma expert
Human Design System
Mindset and Peak Performance
Character work and Branding
Acting and The Method
I am a coach, somatic and trauma practitioner, actress, speaker and author.
Passionate of Change and Transformation, Personal development and growth.
My mission is to help people reconnecting to their true self and purpose, to live an authentic life and thrive in private and business.
My job is helping my clients going through the painful process of meeting their limits, blockages and becoming the fully expression of themselves in multiple areas of life.
I offer online and live coaching sessions to individuals and groups. I support my clients through somatic, trauma, mindset, human design, embodiment and character work.
I am an expert of the body-mind-energy connection, my work as a coach and somatic expert is to guide my clients into processes of healing, change and transformation by using the connection body and emotions, mind and thoughts, actions and behaviours with energy.
I am certified in Somatic therapy and Trauma work at The Institute of Santa Fé Shame based.
I teach on Mindset and Personal Development to groups and individuals.
I teach and apply the Human Design system in my coaching for individuals, groups, team building and business developing : guiding them on understanding their own individual energy map; and how to use their energy at the highest, valorising their natural resources, understanding the energy exchange and connection that happens between human beings when they share the same room and space.
It’s a valuable instrument to practice self discovery and self empowerment, developing emotional intelligence in any group, either it’s a business team or family or 1:1 relationships.
Human Design helps people to discover their natural gifts and shadows, validating their resources, teaching them the best strategy to make decisions based on their own energy and out of external conditioning.
I am the Founder of Becoming Yourself ®:
my brand and method structured on the 3 steps of healing, unfolding and becoming.
In Becoming Yourself The Program I offer: an online 9 months journey 1:1 with me, of healing, growth and transformation, personalised on my clients characteristics and needs.
It’s a method of work organised on healing your past, unfolding your present and becoming the next version of you: through somatic, mindset, character and embodiment work, business and communication skills. All personalised.
Becoming Yourself ® it’s a journey of reconnection to yourself and of stepping into the next version of you in your private, public and business life.
All of my work is Transformational: the purpose is to become an authentic and more empowered version of you.
I host three free Podcast: Notes from a stranger, Notes for artists, The Holistic Actress Show:
Notes from a stranger are audio notes on self awareness, reflections, stimuli and life hints on how to navigate life, love and death at the best of your possibilities.
The Holistic Actress Show, is a guest based podcast: I invite people all around the globe to share their truths on the process of change, transformation and becoming.
Notes for Artists: is a podcast where I support your creative and artistic side by giving you suggestions and coaching tips on how to explore the artist within yourself, finding ways of self-expression, branding and marketing your artist.
I am the Author of the book The Right Time, letters from a stranger about life, love and death, where I share, through letters, from me to you, the cyclical process of becoming.
Every transformation begins from the inside and extends to the outside, only through a deep healing work, self exploration, and intentional transformational work.
I believe that the body, mind, energy connection in collaboration with the expression of our artistic and creative side is the key for healing and change.
Discover more in ABOUT ME.

Becoming Yourself ® is not only a only my coaching brand that offers you private coaching, teachings, programs, techniques, that will help you healing, unfolding your gifts and shadows and become the next version of yourself.
Becoming Yourself ® is a process. It’s a life style. It’s a choice and a commitment with yourself based on awareness, acceptance, and desire to become. And it’s a never ending one, since we are meant to keep growing and evolving during our lifetime.
Becoming yourself ® is coming back to a real connection to your truth, finding your wholeness, building your identity based on who you really are and who you are meant to become.
My experience and studies as an actress, graduated in The Method as much as my journey as a somatic and trauma practitioner and personal development coach has been the best combination to create Becoming Yourself: a journey on healing, self discovery and expression, and finally creation of the next version of yourself.
All of this is possible thanks to multiple instruments and teachings based on the connection between body, mind and energy.
Heal, Unfold, Transform
To live the life you really want to live, you have to become the person you really are.
It takes a journey of self-discovery, de-conditioning from what you have internalised, healing your trauma, and recognising who you really are meant to be in this lifetime.
Emotions and trauma can be overwhelming when not processed, honouring your gifts and talents can be difficult when you don’t know how to recognise and valorise them, and getting to the next version of you it’s always a choice that requires some level of work.
Last but not least: choosing the right communication and public persona for you is a fundamental step of your becoming.
Let me help you reconnecting with your truth, liberate your essence, build your character. –
How can i help you?

I hold space for my clients in online sessions of 60 mins on any topic: any internal or external conflict, emotional struggle, mental pattern, relationship issue, business goal, in connection to their private or public life, and I lead them in a self discovery and new direction through different levels of intervention.
This space is for you to bring on the table any type of situation, issue, goal, problem, conflict you want to work on. We will work together and in collaboration to find answers through the connection body/mind, and i will guide you through an energy shift.
The goal is to start the session with no answer, maybe confusion or pain, and to get out of the session with more clarity and direction and possibly with a new state of being.

Human Design is my pure passion. It’s been a life changing journey understanding, learning and now teaching about how energy works for every single individual.
Human Design is a system that based on your date, time and place of birth shows your energetic map: your personal and unique energy map, which reveals how unique you are.
Each of us function in a different way: the energy we have access to, the way we digest, the best way to make decisions, our body intuition is individual.
We’ve got a unique machine and to function at the best of our possibilities we need to understand how our energetic body work: that’s Human Design.
HD reveals your type, profile, strategy, authority, definition, what’s the best way for you to thrive and get the most out of your skills, talents, energy. How to best make decisions based on your design. How the best work in a relationship or business team work. Book a session with me to know more on your unique chart.

BECOMING YOURSELF: My signature coaching program.
Becoming Yourself is a process, developed by the combination of acting, healing, personal development, energy work. A step by step process based on the three stages of healing, unfolding, becoming.
The goal is reconnecting people back their lost AUTHENTICITY, and living, in any area of their life at the full expression of their potential.
Becoming Yourself is structured in a way that will help you to map out your own process of healing, unfolding and becoming.

I am certified in Somatic and Trauma work. I believe this is the most important piece of the cake, when we speak of healing, change and transformation.
I hold space online and live to heal your trauma, as much as any condition (from relational, physical, business, emotional issues) through the lens of the somatic and belief system work.
As a PSTD survivor i know on my skyn the power of this work. Book a session with me to work on any type of trauma or painful experience you are dealing with on a body or mind level.

All of what i am creating finds their foundation on my acting background.
On stage and thanks to my 2 years training in The Method i learned from the first time how to use the connection body, mind, energy.
To change and transforming myself into characters. This is The Method Acting technique that i use and teach to actors and not actors to have a deep understanding on how to use their unconscious body and mind to create change and transformation and freedom of expression.
I offer workshops and acting laboratories, as much as private sessions. I also prepare actors and artists for auditions and other artistic projects.
I also coach people and public figures to work on their emotional blockages and public speaking.

ENERGY WORK: somatic alignment
Creating energy shifts is a natural consequence of working on your emotions and mindset on an unconscious level.
However there are some incredibly powerful practices and techniques to help you rebalance your nervous system, heal your body and trauma and create energetic shifts.
I am certified in Somatic Energy Alignment: a powerful technique based on de-armouring, breath-work and energy work that operates through gentle touch and presence to release stagnant emotions and stress from the body and bringing your nervous system back to state of regulation.

I am here to guide you to become the most authentic and fully expressed version of yourself.

Becoming Yourself is a 3 steps process and technique based on the first stage of Healing (past), the second stage of Unfolding (present), and the third stage of Becoming (future).
In the Becoming Yourself container you can find different approaches and modalities for your own personal development and healing process, depending by where are you in your life at the moment.
I believe that everyone is different and needs different instruments to support themself in pursuing of their journey.
I propose different options for you that allow you to learn practical tools for self-healing, self-discovery and becoming, from self-pace courses to 1:1 live sessions with me.
Becoming Yourself The Basics: (heal, unfold, transform), is a short term and self-pace program on the 3 stages, studied to give you a process to map out your individual healing and becoming process. You can integrate the program with live 1:1 sessions with me.
Becoming Yourself The Course: it’s a long term commitment of 6 months of work, with me by your side, in the step by step process of healing, unfolding and becoming. It’s a rich container that requires commitment to bring you to your next level with a lot of teachings, videos, paper material, and live sessions with me.
I offer 1:1 coaching sessions on personal development and inner work based on the body, mindset, energy connection, 1:1 trauma body therapy, 1:1 somatic energy alignment sessions (energy work), 1:1 Human design sessions, 1:1 acting sessions. (online and live).
I also offer 1:1 and group mentorship and coaching (to individuals and business companies) on self development, character work, business growth and self-image work, conflict resolution, and I teach to actors and no actors The method acting.
For those who are willing to learn more of Human design:
Become Your Human Design: a self paced and long life access course that teaches you all you need to know on Human Design: from types, strategies, authority, definition, channels and gates and more.
The Human Design Map Book: a 85 pages guide on your personalised Human Design chart, written by me to you, you’ll receive by email and that you can print out and consult any time you need. The Map Book describes you all the most important pieces of your human design chart to learn how to thrive by using your energy at the best to empower yourself. how to specifically use your energy to thrive and empower yourself.
The best way to be updated to all the offers and news is by subscribing to my newsletter.
Free Resources: Podcasts

A Show about Change and Transformation. Truth around life topics. And eventually also uncomfortable conversations. Guests from all over the world.
By the Holistic Actress, Maritè Salatiello

Random audio notes, self awareness, life stories, challenges, reflections, stimuli, to keep up in the process of fully living and best navigate the seasons of life.
By Maritè Salatiello

This podcast is to acknowledge your artist and let you work through the difficult process of creation and self-expression.
Here you’ll find: creative methods, personal development techniques, business management, communication, self-development notes for artists. Either you are a Pro or you are at the beginning of your artistic exploration.
By Maritè Salatiello

Have you ever felt lost? Not knowing where to go next? overwhealmed by the fear that is too late and the anxiety of having to take action?
Life in this book is described as a constant and never ending cycle of death, healing, rebirth and becoming. A natural path that every human being is called to walk through in different times and with repetition.
The most important thing is to listen to the body wisdom that always know when it is time to stop, die inside, feel, heal and let go, so we can be ready for our rebirth, our next level, our becoming.
Life is a never ending of upgrading stages in this beautiful and scary process.
Here some tools: letters from me, a stranger, about life, love and death and some personal tips to overcome the obstacoles and have faith in the wins you meet along the way.
with love,
SUBSTACK membership

After years of writing a free newsletter (that I am keep writing), sharing a lot of contents on social media, and because of my passion for writing: I decided to create a more intimate space and community, where who wants to find all the resources shared in the past and who wants to dive into deeper work of healing, self-discovery, change and transformation can find resources at an accessible price.
Subscribe to my Substack to be part of this community.